Soil Erosion Network: Model Metadata

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1 Model identification Soil Erosion Network - Model
1.1 Model name MEDALUS -Water ersosion
1.2 Most recent version 1.0
1.3 Date of release December 1994
2 Water erosion
3 Contact person
3.1 Name Mike Kirkby
3.2 Address School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
3.3 Tel +44 113 233 3310
3.4 Fax +44 113 233 6758
3.5 Email
4 Model Author(s) M D McMahon, M J Kirkby, J B Thornes, F I Woodward
5 Model components
5.1 Water erosion: Water and sediment routed over rough surface
5.2 Wind erosion:
5.3 Hydrology: Richards equation for soil: Infiltration into rough, vegetated surface
5.4 Site/topography: Hillslope catena from field data
5.5 Plant growth: Models for uncultivated annuals, grass and shrubs
5.6 Management:
5.7 Soil: Dynamic change with erosion in armour and composition
5.8 Chemistry: Organic soil component using C budget
5.9 Weather: Automatic Weather station data (5-15 minute)
6 Model characteristics
6.1 Spatial
6.1.1 Class of area: Slope catena/small catchment
6.1.2 Flow routing system: Grid
6.1.3 Minimum area: Erosion plot
6.1.4 Maximum area: 10 Ha
6.2. Temporal
6.2.1 Timestep: 5-15 minute
6.2.2 Single or multiple event? Multiple
6.2.3 Maximum simulation duration: 100 years
7 Model's representation of processes
7.1 Water erosion processes
7.1.1 Interrill: Included in spectrum of surface roughness
7.1.2 Rill: Included in spectrum of surface roughness
7.1.3 Gully: Included in spectrum of surface roughness
7.1.4 Streambank: -
7.1.5 Deposition: Included in integrated sediment routing
7.2 Wind erosion processes:
7.2.1 Creep/surface roll:
7.2.2 Saltation:
7.2.3 Suspension
7.3 Hydrological processes:
7.3.1 Evaporation/transpiration: Modified Penman, allowing for soil layers, plant stress, etc.
7.3.2 Runoff: Overland flow routing over rough micro-topography
7.3.3 Infiltration Spatially variable using Richards equation for ponded and non-ponded areas
7.3.4 Subsurface flow: Lateral component of Richards equation
7.3.5 Return flow Arises from solution of equations in principle
7.4 Plant processes:
7.4.1 Light interception and photsynthesis: Beer's Law
7.4.2 Dry matter and residue Based on photosynthesis and transpiration; respiration; leaf fall, etc.
7.4.3 Root growth: Functional-group based partition of net growth with stems
7.4.4 Pests:
7.4.5 CO2 sensitivity: Implicit in water stress photosynthesis calculations
7.5 Soil:
7.5.1 Crust development Not modelled for stony soils
7.5.2 Aggregate properties
7.6 Chemistry: Only for carbon
7.6.1 Nutrients:
7.6.2 Carbon Used in logging organic soil accumulation, mixing and decomposition
7.6.3 Pesticides
7.6.4 Other contaminants
7.7 Weather: Stochastic generator used for future scenarios
7.8 Other:
8 Input Data (* = Mandatory)
8.1 Weather: 5-15 minute interval (or stochastic generator) for precipitation*, temperature*, net radiation*, humidity*, wind speed* (AWS data). Grain sizes with depth*, including stoniness
8.2 Soil:
8.3 Hydrology: Moisture retention curve*(s)
8.4 Plant cover: % shrub*, grass*, annuals* and bare*, with detail as available
8.5 Soil surface cover: Surface stoniness*, vegetation crown cover by functional; type*
8.6 Management:
8.7 Topography/site characteristics: = Slope profile
8.8 Micro-topography: RMS roughness* at several* points down slope profile
8.9 Other Physiological characteristics of dominant plants in each functional group
9 Output data Runoff, soil moisture profiles, sediment transport and net erosion/deposition down length of slope, integrated over selected time intervals. Vegetation and organic soil biomass, surface roughness and armour characteristics over time
10 Programming language Turbo Pascal (V6.0)
11 Computer requirements IBM PC compatibles, preferably a fast 486/586 and minimally a 386DX
12 Documentation
12.1 Scientific documentation: Kirkby, M.J., Baird, A.J., Lockwood, J.G., McMahon, M.D., Mitchell, P.J., Shao, J., Sheehy, J.E., Thornes J.B. and Woodward, F.I. 1993. MEDALUS Project A1: Physically based process models: Final report (part of MEDALUS I final report, edited J B Thornes).
12.2 User's guide: Not yet available
12.3 Technical documentation: Available on request from author (McMahon)
13 Availability Available on request from authors
14 Other Relevant Information Currently still undergoing testing, but available in trial form for experimental use.

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