1 Contact person
1.1 Name Dr. C. Kosmas
1.2 Address Agricultural Univ. of Athens Lab. of Soils & Agr. Chemistry, Iera Odos 75, Botanikos 11855, Athens, Greece
1.3 Tel +30 1 5294097
1.4 Fax +30 1 346 0885
1.5 Email sos2kok@auadec.aua.ariadne-t.gr
1.6 Other researchers involved:
2 Survey Details
2.1 Dates of erosion monitoring survey: 1991-1995
2.1 Water/wind erosion? Water
2.3 Area monitored: Plots 30 m2 each
2.4 Character of area: Hillslope, shallow to moderately deep Xerochrepts, olives, vines and annual vegetation. Thermo-mediterranean climate
2.5 Frequency of monitoring: Varied depending on rainfall
2.6 What fraction of fields in the monitored area were included in the survey? Plots
2.7 How were estimates of erosion made? Collection of sediments
2.8 Were air photographs used? No
2.9 For each erosion site, information recorded: Location (topo map 1: 250), biomass, cover soil moisture curves, hydraulic conductivity, chemical soil properties, soil moisture content


2.10 Data obtained from elsewhere: No
2.11 Data calculated from above information: Erosion rate
2.12 Meterological station density and type: One automatic meteo station installed nearby
2.13 Length of record of meterological data: 1991-1995
3. Associated Work
3.1 Associated experimental or plot-based work:
3.2 Associated modelling work:
4. Documentation
4.1 Published reports of the monitoring survey and/or results: survey and/or results: All the data were collected in standardized sheets written in Lotus format and a database was created in Amsterdam
4.2 Other relevant publications: There are publications in journals or in books
5. Availability
5.1 Erosion/land use data: On request; however MEDALUS must be acknowledged
5.2 Meterological data: On request
6. Other Information
6.1 Is the monitoring survey ongoing? Yes
6.2 Funding agency for the survey: European Commission and Agricultural University of Athens
6.3 Any other details: